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Video Details (PEACE I: Building on Peace)

Video Title
PEACE I: Building on Peace
Video Description
Showcase of a sample of PEACE I funded projects within Northern Ireland and the six border counties. Key priority themes were highlighted and an outline of how the EU Programme had promoted peace and reconciliation providing examples for each Sub Programme as follows: Sub Programme 1 - Boosting economic growth and employment (1) Learning Lodge, Magherafelt - cross community training provided and childcare support, Sub Programme 2 - Urban and Rural Development (2) Derry Travellers Group, Sub Programme 3 - Cross-border Development - The Border - Personal Reflections from Ireland North and South, Sub Programme 4 - Social Inclusion (4) In Your Face - The Rainbow Factory Theatre Group, Sub Programme 5 - Productive Investment and Industrial Development (5) University of Ulster Technology and Software Incubator Centre, Sub Programme 6 - District Partnerships (6a) Northern Ireland Partnership Board and (6b) Footprints Women's Centre, Sub Programme 7 - Technical Assistance, Sub Programme 8 - Flagship Projects - Youth Sport Omagh. An Introduction to PEACE II was also featured in this video with an interview from John McKinney (CEO, SEUPB).
All Themes
Video Classification
Media/Promotional Material
Video Sub Classification
Programme Media Files
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