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This page is for searching videos in the SEUPB document library. The videos can be specific to a project or cover a range of projects, or are programme-level and therefore not linked directly to projects. The videos are classified according to their purpose, namely:

  • Funded Projects
  • SEUPB Corporate Documentation
  • Research
  • Government
  • European Union
  • SEUPB Programme Documentation
  • Implementation Bodies
  • Media/Promotional Material

These classifications are then sub classified, such as by Project Videos, Newsletters, Impact Videos.

Where possible, the videos can also be filtered by the authored date and the authors concerned.

Therefore it’s possible to search the videos library primarily by PEACE Programme, the period they were written for, the author(s), the video theme and video stakeholders. In addition, there are a number of advanced programme-level classifications that can be used to filter the videos: Measure (for PEACE I and PEACE II), Sub Measure (PEACE II), Sub Priority (PEACE III), Sub Sub Priority (PEACE III), Specific Objective (PEACE IV) and Action (PEACE IV).

The list of filtered videos can then be searched within, using keywords and these keywords search in the video’s title, content and author name(s).

Search Fields and Keywords

On the top left-hand side of the video search page are the fields that can be searched in and an input field to enter the keywords to search for, in those selected fields (hover over or tap the ? icon beside the search fields for more information). This will search within any already filtered videos, so for example, if no filters have been selected, the keyword search is applied against all videos. If for example, a PEACE Programme filter is selected, then the search keywords are applied to only those videos shown for the selected programme. The search text can be separate words, a phrase or use boolean operators for more refinement - hover over or tap the ? icon beside the input field for more information.

Search Filters

Below the options for search keywords and the fields to search in, are the search filters. These filters identify specific fields for all videos and the values that can be selected for those filters (hover over or tap the ? icon beside each filter for more information). For example, the PEACE Programme filter shows all the programmes the videos apply to. Selecting one or more of the programmes, will only show videos for those selected programmes in the table to the right. When selecting a filter value, such as PEACE I, the other filters adjust to show only those values available for the selected filters. Selecting a filter also put that in the selection list above the table. Selections can be removed by either unchecking the checkbox for the filter value, or clicking the ‘x’ beside the item in the selection list above the table. Each filter heading will show the name of the filter e.g. ‘PEACE Programme’ and beside it, the number of options e.g. ‘PEACE Programme (4)’ where there are 4 PEACE Programmes for selection, depending on other filter selections or search criteria.

The search filters are split into 2 groups - the primary search filters, such as PEACE Programme and Author, then an ‘Advanced’ group containing the programme specific groupings.

Results Table

The filtered and searched results are displayed in the main results table. These results can be navigated and using the paging controls and the results sorted, either ascending or descending, by clicking the appropriate table columns. Hovering over the table columns will show further information about the purpose of each column in the results.

Selecting a row in the table will highlight that row in yellow and show a preview of the document in the document preview panel.

If search keywords have been entered, these are highlighted in the previewed document. The document can be further navigated, scrolled, zoomed etc in the preview panel, but to see the document in full, select the document icon in the ‘View’ column in the table. This will bring you to the document view page, where the document can be viewed in full size. The ’Projects’ column in the table displays the number of projects related to each video detailed in the row (where applicable). For values greater than 0, selecting the value will bring you to the list of those related projects, which can be selected further for more information.

Data Export

The data shown in the table can be downloaded as a CSV file by selecting the ’Export CSV’ button in the top right corner of the page.