The purpose of this page is to search projects within the SEUPB document library. All projects which SEUPB have record of across all four PEACE Programmes, namely; PEACE I, PEACE II, PEACE III and PEACE IV are included. Users will be able to see any Projects which are specifically associated with them under the “My Projects” menu. All users can view all projects within the programmes under the “All Projects” menu.
Results Table
The filtered and searched results are displayed in the main results table (Project Data). These results can be navigated using the paging controls and the results can be sorted, either ascending or descending, by clicking the appropriate table columns.
Additional views of the data are also available by selecting the “Analysis” or “Partner Location” chart icons at the top of the results page.
Hovering over the table columns will show further information about the purpose of each column in the results.
These results can then be further filtered or searched using the Keyword search box on the top RHS above the table. This will filter the results according to the content of the description of the project.
A user can enter any keyword or phrase to refine the results being retrieved. In addition they can tailor where these keywords or phrases occur by utilising the checkboxes on the LHS menu directing the search to include or exclude Title, Description, and/or Project Partner Name.
Search on Budget
Using the slider bar or by typing into the value boxes the user can further refine the returned results within defined budget values parameters.
Search on Date
Using the slider bar or by typing into the value boxes the user can further refine the returned results within defined date value parameters.
Additional Filtering
In addition the results displayed can be further specified and filtered using the additional criteria. Including: Town/City, County, Partner Country, Account Dept NI, Account Dept ROI, Structural Fund, Implementing Body. By clicking on the Advanced menu additional criteria can be applied including Sub Programme (PEACE I), Priority (PEACE II, III), Measure (PEACE I, II), Sub Measure (PEACE II), Sub Priority (PEACE III), Sub Sub Priority (PEACE III), Specific Objective (PEACE IV), Action (PEACE IV).
Data Export
The data shown in the table can be downloaded as a CSV file by selecting the ’Export CSV’ button in the top right corner of the page.